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Number of Documents Found: 84
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Document ID Title Author Year Publisher Keywords ISBN Abstract Language URL Availability
8589 Use of fly ash in concrete W.J.C. Halstead, Carl F.; American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.,; United States. Federal Highway Administration.,; National Research Council (U.S). Transportation Research Board., 1986 Transportation Research Board, National Research Council Concrete Additives.; Fly ash. 0309044014 (pbk.); 0547-5570 ;

8569 Use of fly ash in concrete ACI Committee 232. 1996 American Concrete Institute Concrete Additives.; Fly ash.

8608 Uses of industrial wastes : a focus on fly ash B.G.B.P.S.S.I. Majumder 2007 Govind Ballabh Pant Social Science Institute in association with Manak Publications Fly ash Industrial applications.; Fly ash Recycling. 8178271729

8590 Zalez?nos´c´ wytrzymalos´ci od skladu fazowego popiolobetono´w na tle proceso´w hydratacji tworzyw cementowych A. Harnwolf-Wilczyn´ska 1985 Wydawn. Politechniki Warszawskiej Lightweight concrete.; Fly ash. 0137-2297 ;

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