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Document ID Title Author Year Publisher Keywords ISBN Abstract Language URL Availability
8325 Physics of desertification F.H. El-Baz, Mohamed; International Centre for Theoretical Physics., 1986 M. Nijhoff ;; Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers Desertification Congresses.; Geomorphology Congresses.; Arid regions Congresses.; Arid regions agriculture Congresses. 9024732921

8290 Policy integration for complex environmental problems : the example of Mediterranean desertification H. Briassoulis 2005 Ashgate Desertification Government policy Mediterranean Region.; Land use Government policy Mediterranean Region.; Desertification Government policy European Union countries.; Land use Government policy European Union countries. 0754642437 (alk. paper)

8509 Political ecology : science, myth and power P.A.S. Stott, Sian 2000 Arnold ;; Oxford University Press Political ecology. 0340761652 (hb); 0340761660 (pk)

8450 Population and environment in developing countries : the macro scenario and select case studies R.R. Nandi, G. N.; Centre for Development Studies (Trivandrum India), 1999 Centre for Development Studies Developing countries Population.; Developing countries Population Environmental aspects.

6612 Postmodern global governance : the United Nations Convention to combat desertification A. Rechkemmer 2004 Nomos Desertification Control Political aspects.; Convention on Desertification (1994); Environmental policy. 3832910328 (pbk.); 9783832910327 (pbk.)

8343 Potential value of land and water resources in northeast Otjozondjupa : a study for the Namibian Ministry of Lands, Resettlement and Rehabilitation A.N.M.o.L.R.a.R. Gazza, ; Summer Desertification Project VII (Namibia),; Desert Research Foundation of Namibia., 1999 Desert Research Foundation of Namibia Land capability for agriculture Namibia Otjozondjupa Evaluation.; Land use Namibia Otjozondjupa Evaluation. 9991643346

8379 Problems in the development and conservation of desert and semidesert lands : pre-congress symposium K26, Ashkhabad, U.S.S.R., July 20-26, 1976 M. International Geographical Union. Working Group on Desertification In and Around Arid Lands.., J. A. 1976 School of Geography, University of New South Wales Desertification Congresses.; Arid regions agriculture Congresses.; Desert resources development Congresses.

8553 Proceedings of Namibia's National Workshop to Combat Desertification : report from a national workshop, Windhoek, Namibia, 4-7 1994 /by Caroline Ashley S.N.M.o.E.a.T. Wolters, ; Namibia. Ministry of Agriculture Water and Rural Development.,; Desert Ecological Research Unit (Namibia),; Deutsche Gesellschaft fu¨r Technische Zusammenarbeit.,; Desert Research Foundation of Namibia.,; Namibia's Programme to C 1994 Desert Research Foundation of Namibia Desertification Control Namibia Congresses.

8367 Proceedings of the Japan-China International Symposium on the Study of the Mechanism of Desertification : March 2-4, 1993, Tsukuba M.J.K.G.K.K. Ichikuni 1994 Research and Development Bureau, Science and Technology Agency Desertification Congresses.

8503 Process of desertification in Kachchh and Banaskantha districts of Gujarat, India, 1961-1991 Y.D.G.I.o.D.E. Singh 1996 Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology Desertification India Kachchh.; Desertification India Ba¯nas Ka¯ntha.

8375 Programme d'action sous-re´gional de lutte contre la de´sertification en Afrique de l'Ouest et au Tchad (PASR/AO) P.I.-S.C.f.D.C.i.t.S. Interim Secretariat for the Convention to Combat Desertification., ; Economic Community of West African States., 2000 Comite´ permanent inter Etats de lutte contre la se´cheresse dans le Sahel Desertification Control Sahel.

8510 Programme de lutte contre la desertification et de remise en e´tat des terres du Soudan (DECARP) M.a.-A.a.t.a.-Z.?.y.S. Sudan. Ida¯rah al-?A¯mmah lil-Mawa¯rid al-T?abi¯?a¯yah. 1976 s.n. Desertification Sudan.; Desertification Control Sudan.

8258 Programme de lutte contre la de´sertification et lutte contre la pauvrete´ par la sauvegarde et la valorisation des oasis : composante secteur Guelmim-Assa-Tata Agence pour la promotion et le de´veloppement e´conomique et social des provinces du sud du Royaume (Morocco) 2006 Royaume du Maroc, Agence pour la promotion et le de´veloppement e´conomique et social des provinces du sud du Royaume Oases Morocco.; Desertification Control Morocco.

8429 Programme national de lutte contre la de´sertification Mali. Ministe`re des ressources naturelles et de l'e´levage. 1987 Le Ministe`re Desertification Control Mali.

8489 Proposal for a regional strategy of desertification control : in application of the 1984 revised strategy for drought control and development in the Sahel : Nouakchott Seminar, 29 October-4 November 1984 O.f.E.C.-o.a.D. Sahel Club., ; Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel., 1985 Club du Sahel Desertification Sahel Control Congresses.

6617 Proposed guidelines for implementing the regional desertification control strategy in the Sahel R.M. Rochette 1985 OECD Desertification Government policy Sahel.; Desertification Control Sahel.; Regional planning Sahel.

8511 Proposed national plan for combating drought affects and desertification in the Sudan Sudan. Wiza¯rat al-Zira¯?ah. 1985 Agric. Information Centre, Agric. Extension Dept., Ministry of Agriculture Desertification Control Sudan.; Droughts Government policy Sudan.

8337 Provisional methodology for assessment and mapping of desertification G.E.M.S. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 1983 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Desertification.; Desertification Maps. 9251014426 (pbk.)

8482 Pustynnienie antropogeniczne na obrzez?ach Sahary i w Azji S´rodkowej : studium poro´wnawcze F. Plit 1995 Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydz. Geografii i Studio´w Regionalnych Desertification Sahara.; Desertification Asia, Central.; Nature Effect of human beings on Sahara.; Nature Effect of human beings on Asia, Central. 8385785191 Summary in French and Russian.

8564 Qinghai Gonghe pen di sha mo hua tu C.d.t.c.b.s. Zhongguo ke xue yuan. Lanzhou shamo yan jiu suo. 1992 Chengdu di tu chu ban she, Desertification China Gonghe Basin Maps.

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