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Document ID Title Author Year Publisher Keywords ISBN Abstract Language URL Availability
8712 Ectoxicology for Illinois : establishing the research agenda : proceedings and summary from a workshop held May 15-16, 1986 L.I.D.o.E.a.E.A. Vogt, ; Illinois. Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center., 1987 The Division Pollution Environmental aspects Illinois Congresses. English

8713 EI environmental services directory Environmental Information Ltd. 1990 Environmental Information Refuse disposal industry United States Directories.; Hazardous waste management industry United States Directories.; Environmental Pollution prevention & control United States Directory.; Hazardous Waste prevention & control United States Directory.; Indu 1053-475X English

9447 Eleventh Annual Research Symposium, Land Disposal, Remedial Action, Incineration and Treatment of Hazardous Waste, Netherland Plaza Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 29 through May 1, 1985 Hazardous Waste Engineering Research Laboratory. Alternative Technologies Division. 1985 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Hazardous Waste Engineering Research Laboratory English

9421 Emergency response needs in North Carolina : a report to the Governor's Waste Management Board N.C.G.s.W.M.B. North Carolina. Technical Committee on Hazardous Waste. 1988 Hazardous wastes North Carolina Safety measures Planning.; Emergency management North Carolina.; Hazardous substances North Carolina Safety measures Planning. English

9482 Emergency Response Program : report of activities South Carolina. Bureau of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management. 1994 The DHEC Hazardous substances South Carolina Safety measures Periodicals.; Oil spills South Carolina Safety measures Periodicals.; Chemical spills South Carolina Safety measures Periodicals. English

8716 Emerging technologies in hazardous waste management D.W.P. Tedder, Frederick G.; American Chemical Society. Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.,; American Chemical Society. Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Winter Symposium, 1990 American Chemical Society Hazardous wastes Management Congresses.; Sewage Purification Congresses. 0841217475; 0097-6156 ; English

8714 Emerging technologies in hazardous waste management 7 D.W.P. Tedder, Frederick G.; American Chemical Society. Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry., 1997 Plenum Press Hazardous wastes Management Congresses.; Hazardous wastes Purification Technological innovations Congresses. 306457733 English

8715 Emerging technologies in hazardous waste management 8 D.W.P. Tedder, Frederick G. 2000 Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Hazardous wastes Management Congresses.; Hazardous wastes Purification Technological innovations Congresses.; Soil remediation Congresses.; Groundwater Purification Congresses.; Radioactive wastes Purification Congresses. 306463628 English

8717 Emerging technologies in hazardous waste management II D.W.P. Tedder, Frederick G.; American Chemical Society. Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry., 1991 American Chemical Society Hazardous wastes Management Congresses.; Sewage Purification Congresses.; Refuse and refuse disposal Congresses. 0841221022; 0097-6156 ; English

8718 Emerging technologies in hazardous waste management III D.W.P. Tedder, Frederick G.; American Chemical Society. Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry., 1993 American Chemical Society Hazardous wastes Management Congresses.; Sewage Purification Congresses. 0841225303; 0097-6156 ; English

8719 Emerging technologies in hazardous waste management IV D.W.P. Tedder, Frederick G.; American Chemical Society. Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry., 1994 American Chemical Society Hazardous wastes Management Congresses.; Soil remediation Congresses. 0841228574; 0097-6156 ; English

8720 Emerging technologies in hazardous waste management V D.W.P. Tedder, Frederick G.; American Chemical Society. Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry., 1995 American Chemical Society Hazardous wastes Management Congresses. 0841233225 (acid-free paper); 0097-6156 ; English

8721 Emerging technologies in hazardous waste management VI D.W.P. Tedder, Frederick G.; American Chemical Society. Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry., 1996 American Academy of Environmental Engineers Hazardous wastes Management Congresses.; Hazardous wastes Technological innovations Congresses. 1883767156 English

8722 Encyclopedia of environmental control technology P.N. Cheremisinoff 1989 Gulf Pub. Co. Pollution.; Factory and trade waste Environmental aspects. 0872012387 (set acid-free) English

9463 Enhancement of the HWRIC database : year 2, with an evaluation of database content S.C.P. Schock, Maxine M.; Mills, Evan P.; Illinois. Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center., 1988 The Center Illinois. Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center Databases. English

8723 Environment 2011 Ferguson's Environmental protection Juvenile literature. 9780816080502 (hardcover alk. paper); 081608050X (hardcover alk. paper) English

9655 Environmental chemistry : chemistry of major environmental cycles T.F. Yen 2005 Imperial College Press ;; Distributed by World Scientific Publishing Co. Environmental chemistry. 1860944744 English

8724 Environmental compliance handbook : [an overview of Indiana and federal environmental laws for Indiana business] 2008 Indiana Chamber of Commerce Environmental law Indiana. 9781883698829 (pbk.) English

9101 Environmental crime : law, policy, prosecution K.F. Brickey 2008 Aspen Publishers ;; Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Environmental law United States Criminal provisions.; Offenses against the environment United States. 9780735562493; 0735562490 English

8725 Environmental engineering science 1997 Mary Ann Liebert Hazardous wastes Periodicals.; Hazardous substances Periodicals.; Environmental engineering Periodicals.; Environmental protection Periodicals.; Environmental Pollution Periodicals.; Hazardous Waste Periodicals.; Environnement, Technique de l' Pe´riodique 1092-8758 English

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