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Number of Documents Found: 9743
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Document ID Title Author Year Publisher Keywords ISBN Abstract Language URL Availability
2684 Agrobiodiversity and the law : regulating genetic resources, food security and cultural diversity J. Santilli 2012 Earthscan Agrobiodiversity conservation Law and legislation.; Agrobiodiversity.; Agriculture and state. 9781849713726 (hardback); 9780203155257 (ebook)

1903 Agrobiodiversity management for food security : a critical review J.M.W. Lenne´, D. 2011 CABI Agrobiodiversity.; Food security. 9781845937614 (hbk. alk. paper)

1920 Agroecology and strategies for climate change E. Lichtfouse 2012 Springer Agricultural ecology.; Climatic changes.; Agriculture Environmental aspects. 9789400719040 (alk. paper); 9400719043 (alk. paper); 9789400719057 (e-ISBN); 9400719051 (e-ISBN); 2210-4410 ;

2306 Agroecosystems in a changing climate P.C.D. Newton 2007 CRC/Taylor & Francis Agricultural ecology.; Climatic changes.; Agriculture Environmental aspects. 0849320887 (alk. paper); 9780849320880

8309 Agrometeorology related to extreme events H.P.C.W.G.o.A.R.t.E.E. Das, ; World Meteorological Organization., 2003 Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization Meteorology, Agricultural.; Meteorology, Agricultural Databases Planning.; Crops and climate.; Weather Economic aspects.; Storms Economic aspects.; Meteorological services Databases Planning. 9263109435 Summary also in French, Russian, and Spanish.; Abstract also in French, Russian and Spanish.

4964 Air & water pollution control Bureau of National Affairs (Arlington Va.) 1986 Bureau of National Affairs Water Pollution Law and legislation United States Periodicals.; Air Pollution Law and legislation United States Periodicals. 0890-0396

4514 Air and water pollution Pergamon Press. Air Pollution Periodicals.; Water Pollution Periodicals.

919 Air and weather B.J. Davis 2007 Gareth Stevens Pub. Weather Juvenile literature.; Air Juvenile literature. 9780836877601 (lib. bdg.); 9780836878714 (softcover)

5659 Air and your health : clean air is vital to your health B.T. Hunter 2004 Basic Health Publications Air Pollution Health aspects.; Indoor air pollution Health aspects.; Lungs Diseases Environmental aspects. 1591200571

3482 Air classification of solid wastes; performance of experimental units and potential applications for solid waste reclamation R.A. Boettcher 1972 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; for sale by the Supt. of Docs. Refuse and refuse disposal.; Salvage (Waste, etc.); Separation (Technology)

4824 Air contaminant measurements at Roosevelt Field, Nassau County, New York, January-February 1964 W.J.U.S.D.o.A.P. Basbagill, ; Nassau County (N.Y). Dept. of Health., 1965 U.S. Robert A. Taff Sanitary Engineering Center Air Pollution New York (State) Nassau County.

19 Air emissions and ash disposal at wood-burning facilities : a sourcebook and case studies for the Great Lakes Region J.E.D. Fehrs, Christine T.; C. T. Donovan Associates.,; Great Lakes Regional Biomass Energy Program., 1995 Great Lakes Regional Biomass Energy Program, Council of Great Lakes Governors Wood waste as fuel Lake States.; Fuelwood Environmental aspects Lake States.

1 Air emissions annual topic update European Topic Centre on Air Emissions

43 Air emissions from animal feeding operations : current knowledge, future needs N.R.C.U.S.B.o.E.S.a.T. National Research Council (U.S.). Ad Hoc Committee on Air Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations. 2003 National Academies Press Air Pollution.; Animal feeding Environmental aspects.; Agricultural pollution. 0309087058 (pbk.)

68 Air emissions inventory : Port Phillip region Victoria. Environment Protection Authority. 1998 Environment Protection Authority Air quality Victoria Port Phillip Bay Region Statistics.; Air quality management Victoria Port Phillip Bay Region.; Port Phillip Bay Region (Vic.) Environmental conditions. 730675505

55 Air emissions, baselines, and environmental auditing J. Shields 1993 Van Nostrand Reinhold Air quality management.; Environmental auditing.; Environmental auditing Case studies. 442010923

7546 Air monitoring programme design for urban and industrial areas W.M.O. World Health Organization. 1977 World Health Organization ;; sold by WHO Publications Centre Air quality monitoring stations. 9241700335

5419 Air monitoring report Florida. Division of Air Resources Management. 1991 State of Florida, Dept. of Environmental Protection, Division of Air Resources Management Air quality Florida Statistics Periodicals.

6982 Air monitoring report T.N.R.C.C.M.O.D. Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. Air Quality Assessment Program. Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Air quality Texas Periodicals.; Air Pollution Texas Periodicals.

5390 Air particulates no. 1, study number 22; report of a study conducted by the Analytical Reference Service J.S.C. Ferguson, Ronald T.; McFarren, Earl F. 1965 U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Division of Air Pollution Air Pollution Measurement.; Microscopy.

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