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Number of Documents Found: 1156
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Document ID Title Author Year Publisher Keywords ISBN Abstract Language URL Availability
3578 Air, water, and solid waste pollution control industry : [transcript of Dataquest's] seminar, March 28-30, 1973, The Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia F.o.T.I. Dataquest (Firm) 1973 First of Texas Pollution control industry United States Congresses.

3734 Alternative energy in the Midwest : research and applications, Rosemont, Illinois, March 19-20, 1987 : conference proceedings G.L.R.B.R.C. Illinois. Alternative Energy Development Section. 1987 The Department Renewable energy sources Middle West.

4343 Amending the Solid Waste Disposal Act : hearing before the Subcommittee on Environmental Protection of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, One Hundred First Congress, first session, on S. 1112, Municipal Solid Waste Source United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Environment and Public Works. Subcommittee on Environmental Protection. 1989 U.S. G.P.O. : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, U.S. G.P.O. Refuse and refuse disposal Law and legislation United States.; Recycling (Waste, etc.) Law and legislation United States.; Waste minimization Law and legislation United States.

4309 Amendments to the Solid waste disposal act. March 1974 United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Subcommittee on Public Health and Environment. 1974 U.S. Govt. Print. Off. Refuse and refuse disposal United States.

3719 American alchemy : the history of solid waste management in the United States H.L. Hickman 2003 Forester Press Refuse and refuse disposal United States History. 970768729

3881 American composting concepts. Written for the Solid Waste Management Office P.H.U.S.S.W.M.O. McGauhey 1971 U.S. Solid Waste Management Office; for sale by the Supt. of Docs. Refuse and refuse disposal.; Compost.

3272 American Society of Civil Engineers. Environmental Engineering Division. Solid Waste Management Committee. Sanitary landfill. 1976

3629 An abandoned automobile plan for Florida Florida. Division of Health. 1972 Abandonment of automobiles Florida.

4500 An accounting system for solid waste collection E.R. Zausner 1970 U.S. Bureau of Solid Waste Management; for sale by the Supt. of Docs. Refuse and refuse disposal Accounting.

3698 An analysis of solid waste management systems for northeastern Illinois E.L.D. Hardin, H. Lawrence 1975 State of Illinois, Illinois Institute for Environmental Quality Refuse and refuse disposal Illinois.

4378 An analysis of state Superfund programs, 50-state study U.S.H.S.C.D. United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response., ; Environmental Law Institute., 1989 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Emergency & Remedial Response, Hazardous Site Control Division Hazardous waste sites United States States Periodicals.; Hazardous waste site remediation United States States Periodicals.; Environmental policy United States States Periodicals.; Environmental law United States States Periodicals.

3683 An economic analysis of rural parish wide solid waste collection and disposal systems in Louisiana L.J.H. Guedry, Liang Chew 1980 Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Center for Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development, Agricultural Experiment Station Refuse and refuse disposal, Rural Economic aspects Louisiana.

4228 An Introduction to solid waste management technologies E.M. Stolberg 1988 Research Division, Dept. of Legislative Reference Refuse and refuse disposal.; Recycling (Waste, etc.); Incineration.

4212 An Overview of the S.C. Solid Waste Policy and Management Act of 1991 South Carolina. Division of Solid Waste Management. 1991 S.C. Dept. of Health and Environmental Control, Division of Solid Waste Management Refuse and refuse disposal Law and legislation South Carolina.

3297 Analysis of trends in municipal solid waste generation, 1972 to 1987 : final report F.A. Procter & Gamble Company. 1992 Franklin Associates Refuse and refuse disposal United States Statistics.; Refuse and refuse disposal United States History.

3543 Analysis of urban solid waste services : a systems approach R.M. Clark 1978 Ann Arbor Science Refuse and refuse disposal United States Mathematical models.; System analysis. 250401991

3834 Analysis of waste management policies in Palestine : domestic solid waste and wastewater Ma?had al-Abh?a¯th al-Tat?bi¯qi¯yah--al-Quds. 2005 Applied Research Institute, ARIJ Refuse and refuse disposal West Bank.; Refuse and refuse disposal Gaza Strip.; Sewage West Bank.; Sewage Gaza Strip.

4256 Annual inspection report of the hazardous and solid waste program Texas Water Commission. Texas Water Commission Hazardous waste treatment facilities Inspection Texas Periodicals.; Sewage disposal Inspection Texas Periodicals.; Texas Water Commission; Hazardous waste treatment facilities State supervision Texas Periodicals.; Hazardous wastes State supervision Texas

4088 Annual report Oregon. Solid Waste Division. Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality Refuse and refuse disposal Oregon Periodicals.; Refuse and refuse disposal Law and legislation Oregon Periodicals. 0883-3222

3504 Annual report California Solid Waste Management Board. State of California, the Resources Agency California Solid Waste Management Board; Refuse and refuse disposal California Periodicals.

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