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Number of Documents Found: 1156
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Document ID Title Author Year Publisher Keywords ISBN Abstract Language URL Availability
3585 Annual report Delaware Solid Waste Authority. The Authority Delaware Solid Waste Authority; Factory and trade waste Delaware Periodicals.; Refuse and refuse disposal Delaware Periodicals.; Salvage (Waste, etc.) Delaware Periodicals.

4143 Annual report Rhode Island Solid Waste Management Corporation. The Corporation Rhode Island Solid Waste Management Corporation; Refuse disposal industry Rhode Island Periodicals.

3901 Annual report : Laying the foundation M.P.C.A.S.W.S. Minnesota Landfill Cleanup Program., ; Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Ground Water and Solid Waste Division.,; Minnesota. Legislature. Legislative Commission on Waste Management., 1995 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Ground Water and Solid Waste Division Minnesota Landfill Cleanup Program; Sanitary landfills Minnesota Management Periodicals.

3900 Annual report : on the way M.P.C.A.S.W.S. Minnesota Closed Landfill Program., ; Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Ground Water and Solid Waste Division.,; Minnesota. Legislature., 1996 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Ground Water and Solid Waste Division Minnesota Closed Landfill Program; Sanitary landfills Minnesota Management Periodicals.

4257 Annual report of the hazardous and solid waste program Texas Water Commission. 1988 Texas Water Commission Hazardous waste treatment facilities Inspection Texas Periodicals.; Sewage disposal Inspection Texas Periodicals.; Sewage disposal plants Inspection Texas Periodicals.; Texas Water Commission; Hazardous waste treatment facilities State supervision Texas P

3708 Annual report of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Program for fiscal year T.N.R.C.C. Hazardous and Solid Waste Program (Tex.) 1992 Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Hazardous waste treatment facilities Inspection Texas Periodicals.; Sewage disposal Inspection Texas Periodicals.; Sewage disposal plants Inspection Texas Periodicals.; Hazardous and Solid Waste Program (Tex.); Hazardous waste treatment facilities Texas S

3851 Annual report of the Solid Waste Management Advisory Council : for calendar year M.L.J.S.C.o.N.R. Maine. Waste Management & Recycling Program. State Planning Office Recycling (Waste, etc.) Maine. Periodicals.; Refuse and refuse disposal Maine. Periodicals.

3910 Annual report on the Minnesota Waste Tire Program Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Ground Water and Solid Waste Division. The Division

3867 Annual report solid waste management in Maryland Maryland. Dept. of the Environment. Dept. of the Environment Refuse and refuse disposal Maryland Periodicals.; Recycling (Waste, etc.) Maryland Periodicals.

4244 Annual report to the Governor and General Assembly on the Solid Waste Management Act of 1991 Tennessee. Division of Solid Waste Assistance. Tennessee Dept. of Environment and Conservation Refuse and refuse disposal Tennessee Periodicals.; Refuse and refuse disposal Law and legislation Tennessee Periodicals.

4216 Annual survey and report for the period ended ... : regional solid waste disposal system R.W.B.a.A. Southeastern Public Service Authority of Virginia. 1990 The Authority Southeastern Public Service Authority of Virginia. Solid Waste Disposal System Appropriations and expenditures; Refuse and refuse disposal Virginia Norfolk Metropolitan Area Finance Periodicals.; Refuse and refuse disposal Virginia Tidewater (Region) Fina

3430 API environmental guidance document : onshore solid waste management in exploration and production operations American Petroleum Institute. 1989 American Petroleum Institute Oil fields Production methods Waste disposal.; Petroleum Prospecting Waste disposal.; Petroleum industry and trade Environmental aspects.

4448 Applied research and practice from the next generation : the NAPA student achievement award- winning papers, 2001-2005 / Tim Wallace, Edward Liebow, Satish Kedia, and Alayne Unterberger, editors J.M.T.L. Wallace, Edward B.; Kedia, Satish; Unterberger, Alayne 2007 University of California Press Applied anthropology. 1931303339; 9781931303330

4447 Applied research and practice from the next generation : the NAPA student achievement award-winning papers, 2001-2005 J.M.T. Wallace 2007 University of California Press for the National Association for the Prctice of Anthropology Applied anthropology Case studies.; Ethnology Fieldwork Case studies. 1931303339; 9781931303330; 1556-4789 ;

4150 Approaches to implementing solid waste recycling facilities M.J.W. Rogoff, John F. 1994 Noyes Publications Recycling (Waste, etc.) 0815513526 (cloth)

3712 Areawide solid waste management study for city of Charlotte and county of Mecklenburg, North Carolina; an Urban Systems Engineering approach to the overall problem of solid waste management C.N.C. Henningson Durham & Richardson., ; Mecklenburg County (N.C.), 1972 Refuse and refuse disposal North Carolina Mecklenburg County.; Refuse and refuse disposal North Carolina Charlotte.

3454 Asian Development Bank technical assistance pamphlet publications on economic and social issues in Republic of the Philippines Asian Development Bank. 2001 Asian Development Bank Philippines Economic conditions 1986-; Philippines Social conditions.; Technical assistance Philippines.

3897 Aspects of African biodiversity : proceedings of the Pan Africa Chemistry Network Biodiversity Conference, Nairobi, 10-12 September 2008 J.O.C. Midiwo, J. M.; Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain), 2010 RSC Pub. Biodiversity Africa Congresses.; Biodiversity conservation Africa Congresses.; Biodiversita¨t.; Afrika. 9781847559487 (hbk.); 1847559484 (hbk.)

3721 Aspects of solid waste management : Bangladesh context M.L. Hoq, H.; Goethe-Institut Dhaka., 1994 German Cultural Centre Refuse and refuse disposal Bangladesh Congresses.

4170 Assessment of solid waste management units at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant : supporting documentation for RCRA facility assessment P.E.M. Sanchez, Patrick W.; New Mexico. Hazardous and Radioactive Materials Bureau. DOE Oversight and Environmental Surveillance Section., 1994 NMED/WIPP DOE Oversight and Environmental Surveillance Hazardous wastes New Mexico Carlsbad Region Management Evaluation.; Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (N.M.)

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